Forgo paper brochures completely to achieve significant savings every time you deliver your collateral to prospects or customers. The widespread acceptance of eBrochures means that you can eliminate the costs associated with traditional printed pieces entirely.
No need for advertising agencies or service bureaus anymore. 
Truth be told, most advertising agencies know very little about eBrochures. Of course, this is not something they will share with you, but our experience over the years has shown again and again that they rely on us to make things happen.
Eliminate the middle man to enjoy extra savings.
As one of the pioneers who developed the modern eBrochure concept more than 12 years ago, advancis is bringing a new streamlined process that allows marketers to get high-quality, effective eBrochures from scratch.
That's right. You no longer need to settle for average eBrochures because agencies and printers limit your options. No middleman means no more zooming to read your collateral for example. You only get truly-digital brochures your prospects can actually read. Finally, you too can add high-quality eBrochures to your marketing mix.
No files? No problem. Collect your copy, pictures / logos and watch the streamlined digital process take place.